Advertisement: , one of the leading online travel agency in the Philippines, announced on their official Facebook page today their first Konnichi-WOW promo victor - Erwin Sarmiento from Quezon City. He is set to have an all-expenses paid trip to Japan. Sarmiento’s prize is inclusive of roundtrip plane tickets, free hotel accommodation, and pocket money. He likewise has the choice to bring one companion to his trip. The Konnichi-WOW raffle draw was held last April 11, 2017 with the supervision of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Rep. Rhoda Sevillino and Business Planning and Market Strategy Officer Mary Angeli Pasquin. Erwin Sarmiento is the first of the three winners of’s Konnichi-WOW promo. The said promo was launched last March 10 in celebration of the's 4th anniversary and continues until May 31, 2017. Two more winners will be announced in May and June 2017 respec...
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